Privacy policy

Health Equalities Group (the Company) is a public health charity (1110067). Health Equalities Group is the governing organisation and sole owner of the two social enterprises HoM Partnerships CIC, and European Healthy Stadia Network CIC. This policy covers all of the above entities, including data protection for the public health campaigns operated by the Company: ‘Food Active’, ‘GULP’, and 'CMCA Strategic Obesity Project'.

What data we collect?

In the course of our business we may collect a range of personal data from you, including when you engage our services, when you contact us, or because of your relationship with our staff, partners, trustees or clients.

The personal data that we collect may include:

Why do we need your data?

We need to collect your personal data in order to do the following:

Our Legal Obligations

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the law on data protection and privacy for individuals in the EU. It means we must tell you the following things about your personal data that we collect:

(You can find out more about the GDPR at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website. The ICO is the data protection regulator in the UK.)

While we must comply with the law, we also want to be transparent and clear about the information we collect on our websites, and how we use it. This Privacy Policy explains this, and will be updated from time to time. It was last updated on 17 May 2023.

We, Health Equalities Group, is what is known as the Data Controller of the personal data we collect. This means we determine the way your personal data is used.

How We Collect Data:

We collect personal data about you when you fill in and submit forms on this website. Our website is protected by SSL encryption which means that the data you submit is done so securely. We also collect website usage information using Cookies.


Like most websites, ours uses cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files placed on your computer or other device, and stored there, when you visit a website. This allows the website to recognise you as a user for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (a ‘persistent cookie’).

Cookies don’t hold personal data about you, for example they don’t store your name or credit card details, but they do store things like your computer settings, operating system and platform, and IP address.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for many things including:

Making our website work as you’d expect and giving you a more personalised experience.

Google Analytics. This tells us things like how many visits we get to our website, which pages are looked at and how long visits last. It helps us make decisions about improving our website. You can choose to opt out of Google Analytics.

Facebook Analytics. We may use a Facebook pixel on this website. This helps us tailor any Facebook advertising we do for our website users. It also helps us measure its effectiveness. You can manage your Facebook settings to opt out.

How to turn off cookies

Most web browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings of your browser to stop cookies. Please remember that if you turn off cookies in your browser then these settings apply to all websites not just this one.

These links explain how to manage cookies for the most popular web browsers:

Internet Explorer
Safari  (Safari Mobile browser)

Do We Share Your Data?

Yes. We share your data with trusted third parties (known as Data Processors) who carry out marketing (such as email campaigns, website maintenance) and Project related activities on our behalf. They only use your data as instructed by us and never share it with anyone besides us.

We do not sell or rent your data to any third party.

Your Rights

Under GDPR you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

Links To Other Websites

This Privacy Policy does not cover any websites that you can link to from within this website. Please remember to read the Privacy Policy on other websites that you visit.

If you wish us to take any action with your personal data or to complain about how we handle it, please contact us at:

We will aim to respond to you within 30 days.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office on their website here or by calling +44(0)303 123 1113.

Version 1.2 Published 17/05/2023